Welcome to the Fellowship of the Saints

The fellowship groups of Calvary Bible Church in Burbank, California, are meant to provide a context where believers have shepherding care and are able to connect with other believers for mutual service and loving accountability. This page will contain archives of all of the FOTS lectures and discussions in MP3 format.

The Book of Joshua - Entering the Promised Land

The Book of Joshua
Teacher: Robert Powell

The book of Joshua begins with the ascendancy of Joshua the son of Nun to leadership in Israel after the death of Moses. He leads the Israelites into the land of Canaan after 40 years of wandering in the Sinai wilderness and then in conquering the land through the decree and help of God. The land is then divided up as an inheritance to the 12 tribes of Israel. Finally, before his death, Joshua reviews the history of God’s working in the nation and encourages the Israelites to live in faithful obedience to God and His law. Our study of Joshua will take us through many exciting and miraculous details of the book, as well as investigations of some interesting and sometimes puzzling theological and practical questions that affect our lives today.

Letter to the Galatians
Teacher: Robert Powell

The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians is a letter written to churches in Asia Minor in which the Apostle Paul combats false teachers who are undermining the crucial doctrine of justification by faith in Christ apart from works of the law.
In this study, we take a detailed look, verse by verse, at this important epistle. It includes background material to help understand the historical setting and context, as well as a few topical studies along the way that will enable you to better understand some applicable Christian doctrines.

The Book of Judges
Teacher: Robert Powell

The Case for Christ
Teacher: Robert Powell

This book is the personal search and investigation of Lee Strobel, a former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, which led him from atheism to embracing the truths of the Bible and its declaration of the identity, life, and works of Jesus Christ. In our study we work through discussion questions pertinent to the arguments in each chapter which will cause the listener to gain a firm grasp on both the challenges and responses to the claims concerning Jesus.